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Letters from Elmer Keith


Letters from Elmer Keith


Noted Gunwriter, Elmer Keith corresponded with a lot of his fans over the years from all over the world. Many of these people saved the letters he wrote them. Recognizing they were an important piece of Americana, they kept them safely put away. Timothy Mullin got the idea to start collecting these letters when Kent Lomont allowed him to read the ones Lomont had saved over the years. He ran advertisements in Shotgun News, and placed a large sign at the Elmer Keith Museum in Salmon Idaho. He got letters from as early as 1924 all the way up to when Keith suffered a stroke in 1981. Some dealt with hunting issues, others guns. Most were a mixed bag of subjects, but from each the reader can get a sense of who Elmer Keith was, as a firearms and hunting authority and as a man. He set a high standard for both. Coffee table size (81/2 x 11)


Elmer Keith was a remarkable man, and he cast a long shadow with his abilities and accomplishments. We are not likely to see another like him in our lives. He is perhaps best known for being the developer of the Magnum revolver cartridges; .357, .41 & .44.

Author’s note: If readers have letters from Elmer Keith they would like to add to the collection, please contact the author in care of the publisher (Accurate Press, PO Box 86, Lonedell, MO 63060)